Why I Changed My Mind on Abortion

This topic is everywhere. With the overturning of Roe V. Wade, we have been inundated with countless news and opinions advocating for or against abortion. If you google it, you will find countless websites and blog posts with every opinion under the sun, so why add to the noise? I had a growing conviction to write about this, not because I am the most educated or because I have something new and unique to say but to speak to those who may be in my shoes. To those who love people and think they have a compassionate view but maybe haven’t totally thought it through. I want to share with you how my thoughts on abortion have changed over the years and potentially give you something to think about.

            First, can I just admit this was hard to write? It’s hard to state that I now believe I had the wrong way of thinking. It’s hard to say that I have changed my mind or even to state my previous opinion. Maybe this is you. Perhaps you and your friends or family have had countless conversations on this topic, and you all agree. It would be tough to tell them that you have a different opinion now or that your convictions are changing. I just want to say, it’s ok to change your mind. It is even ok to admit that you were wrong before. There is something freeing about saying you were wrong versus doubling down because you feel trapped. So if for some reason you are in that boat, welcome. The water is warm here, and I bet when you start admitting your change of opinion, it will create a more welcoming environment for others to do the same.     

            So, where did this begin? I have to say, before 2013, when I became a Christian, I hadn’t given much thought to abortion. By God’s grace, I never had an unwanted pregnancy or had a friend confide in me that she did. Since it wasn’t something that really affected me, I didn’t think much about it. However, I shared before that after I became a Christian, I unknowingly got introduced to some progressive theology that began to poke holes at the ideas I had considered Christian growing up. One of those was abortion. I was listening to a Jen Hatmaker podcast where she interviewed a guest about abortion. She made the argument that restricting abortions only ever hurts lower-income women and minorities. I don’t remember everything that was said, but I do remember the phrase that she considered herself anti-abortion but pro-choice. At this point, many years ago, I had never heard this stance. I had never heard of Christians arguing for laws that would ease the cost of abortion for low-income women. To me, their argument was compelling. It seemed compassionate, and I began to wonder if there was more nuance to this topic than being so black and white.

            As I was considering this, I remembered a conversation with my old small group leader. She explained that she was pro-life even in the case of rape, using the reasoning that God doesn’t make mistakes. That even out of a violent, evil act, something good can come from it, and two wrongs don’t make a right. I felt unsettled. I had also never heard someone be so unabashedly pro-life. I have never been able to sit long with ambiguity. I needed answers, and I needed to know what was true.

            Since these encounters, I have learned that it can be exhausting to ride the waves. To constantly listen to new ideas and be persuaded by compelling arguments. It’s like treading water at sea and being tossed and turned by every new wave or idea. There must be something that anchors you. That keeps you tethered in place no matter the size of the waves. In addition, you can’t simply choose to decide in the moment. There are undoubtedly compelling, heart-wrenching stories of women who have aborted their babies. I have heard them. Yet, truth can’t be subjective. It can’t be right for one woman in one circumstance because of desperation and wrong for another because she simply didn’t want to have a baby. You can’t decide ethics in the moment or based on circumstances. God’s word must anchor our choices, thoughts, and emotions to reality.

            I want to share how God corrected my thinking and why it has brought me peace, conviction and spurred me to action. I want to share because perhaps you too find yourself tossed about. Perhaps you feel the conflict of knowing that it is wrong to end a life yet not wanting to seem uncompassionate. Maybe you have believed that having an opinion based on Biblical beliefs is somehow shoving your religion down someone else’s throat. Below, I have listed 4 things that corrected my thinking on abortion. I hope they will cause you to also stop and consider any wrong thinking you have adopted along the way.


1-    God is the creator of life, and humans are uniquely created in his image.

If you are a Christian, this is the fundamental first step and belief in faith. This understanding goes all the way back to the very first verse in the Bible, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). Later in this chapter, God says, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness” (Genesis 1:26). These verses state that every single embryo, no matter its stage of life, was intentionally created in God’s image and has a purpose. No matter the context in which they were conceived or the circumstances under which they were born, God intended to create new life. Even If you don’t believe in God, science clearly states that at conception, new life begins. This new life is not a clump of cells, tissue, or random object but a developing human being with rights.

2-    Your choice doesn’t trump someone else’s right to life.

On election day, I passed a catchy pink sign that read in a fun font, “girls just want to have fun-damental rights.” I couldn’t stop thinking about its implications. The fact that this sign made me start singing the song “Girls Just Want to Have Fun” and how this sign meant that we just want to have fun. We don’t want any byproducts or strings attached. We just want to have a good time and have the option to abort any “problems” that may come along after. Do I think God gives us the freedom to make choices? Yes. That is one of the blessings of being made in His image. We can think and choose for ourselves. Yet, where is the line? Perhaps my special needs child has really been a lot of work lately. She will likely need assistance from me to live for the rest of her life. Maybe my life would be easier if I was to kill her. Obviously, every person reading that sentence should have a gut reaction. Her right to life is more important and trumps my right to do whatever I want. Why is that so clear for a child already born, but a baby inside the womb is easily discarded just because of its size, location, or dependence?

3-    Bodily autonomy doesn’t trump someone else’s right to life.

My body my choice. This argument is everywhere. Yet, did you ever stop to think that it’s not just your body? There is another life inside of you. Your bodily autonomy isn’t more important than the baby’s just because you’re bigger and fully developed. A baby outside of the womb is also dependent on someone else to take care of him.

4-    Poisoning and dismembering another human is always wrong.

Perhaps one of the most eye-opening things I have learned while I have studied this topic is what actually goes on during an abortion. The pro-choice narrative is often that this is a simple procedure to remove unwanted cells. In fact, the Planned Parenthood website states that in a 2nd trimester abortion, you’ll simply get a shot in your belly and then they will use medical tools to remove any “pregnancy tissue.” Notice how even the language used persuades you to think this is simply tissue, not a living baby in your womb. Watching videos of abortions and what actually happens to remove the baby is heartbreaking. It is cruel and causes pain to the baby, who is often seen trying to wiggle away from the protruding object. That baby already desires to live but sadly is helpless against the abortionist. Live Action has great videos and resources if you would like to explore this further


            Just last night, I read an article about how there will be more adoptable babies, potentially causing overpopulation and a system crisis in states with total abortion bans. I was drawn to the comment section, which was filled with people stating how tragic it was that more babies would be potentially in the foster care system or born into hard situations. I agree that it is absolutely tragic when babies are placed into government possession and not born into loving families. Yet, I have also seen how God has redeemed those circumstances. I disagree that the more humane option would be to murder them before they are even born and have a chance to impact this world.

            I also want to also say that there is NOTHING beyond God’s forgiveness and redemption. If you have chosen abortion, God is gracious to forgive regardless of the circumstances. He does not want you to stay in a place of shame. He wants to take you into his arms, offer forgiveness, and redeem your story. This blog is in no way to heap on any more condemnation because, sadly, I think the church hasn’t always done the best job of being a hospital for sinners. My hope is that if you find yourself advocating for the right to choose or get into a situation where you are considering abortion, some of the popular arguments will not deceive you. I hope to share where I have been deceived or confused and offer Biblical clarity that God intentionally designed each life with a purpose. There are no mistakes, and because his image and glory are at stake, there is no neutral ground. I hope you will join me not just in advocating for the preborn but by partnering with pregnancy centers and other resources in your area to help women in crisis. Now more than ever, we must rally around the women choosing life who need resources and community. If you are in the Middle TN area, check out Pregnancy Centers of Middle TN and Hope Clinic for Women to find ways you can volunteer. Thank you for reading, and I would love to hear below if anything challenged you or what changed your mind about abortion.


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